
Tuesdays With Dorie: Blueberry–Sour Cream Ice Cream

More fruit, but this time puréed nicely and then frozen. This week’s recipe, chosen by Dolores of Chronicles in Culinary Curiosity, was Blueberry–Sour Cream Ice Cream; you can find the recipe at Dolores’ blog.

I planned to use fresh blueberries from the farmers market, but midway through the week they started looking a little iffy, so I froze them. So I actually used frozen blueberries from the farmers market, and that was close enough. I also used Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, because that’s what I had.

This was certainly easier to pull together than the other Dorie recipes I’ve done so far: five minutes, start to finish (except, of course, for letting the mixture chill, churning it into ice cream, and then letting it ripen in the freezer for three hours, but who’s counting?).

From this:

ice cream 1.JPG

to this:

ice cream 2.JPG

to this:

ice cream 3.lpg

I liked this ice cream. It wasn’t my favorite ever, but then again I’m not a yogurt fan. But it was good, and reasonably healthy — certainly healthier than the egg- and cream-laden versions David Lebovitz has enticed me into this summer with his evil tome.

#2 Son put chocolate syrup on his; he puts chocolate syrup on everything. #1 Son and Husband went for the maraschino liqueur. Husband called it “explosively fruity”: “It adds another layer of depth. It’s not just a dessert when you do that. It ennobles the ice cream.” He’s a writer. #1 Son said it was “in-freaking-credible.” Believe it or not, he’s a writer too.

So to sum up, the ice cream was a hit. Thank you, Dorie, and thank you, Dolores. Head on over to the TWD website to see what everyone else did this week.


Another Friday Dinner

I owe the success of tonight’s dinner entirely to magic of the Internet.

I had to edit all day, so I needed a low-fuss but still appropriate-for-Friday meal. I had a whole farmers market chicken in the freezer, and I thought I remembered reading a blog post a while ago about a nice, simple way to roast one. Well, I dug through the hundreds of recipes I have saved on Delicious and found it: It was from the lovely blog Use Real Butter, and it was from nine months ago. All I can say is that if you find yourself with a chicken and not much prep time, this is the recipe for you. I left out the lemon, because I didn’t have one, but that’s the only change I made. The chicken was moist and tender and flavorful, and the skin was incredible. Thank you for saving Friday dinner, Jen.


I had some tomatoes sitting on the counter. Husband bought them at the supermarket last week because, as he said, “They looked good.” I don’t know what he was thinking. But hey, every other vegetable we’ve tried roasting has been delicious, so why not? The Food Network offered a recipe that conveniently used the same oven temperature as the chicken, and away we went. They were, in fact, delicious — they tasted like my pizza sauce, which is essentially what they were. Thank you, Food Network, whoever you may be.


The bread this week was challah, also from a months-old blog post. This one came from Not Derby Pie, a blog that is chock full of great recipes and mouthwatering photos. I had a question about the instructions, which I posted as a comment, and Rivka answered me within a minute or so, both at the blog and by e-mail, just to be sure I got the answer. That’s service, and it was greatly appreciated. I hope I can be as helpful to a reader someday. The challah was excellent, even though I made the whole-wheat version. I’ve tried whole-wheat challah in the past, and I’ve never liked the results. Rivka’s recipe is quick and easy and makes great bread, which is a rare combination. Thank you too, Rivka.

challah 8-8.JPG

And dessert was Blueberry–Sour Cream Ice Cream. But more on that on Tuesday.


Garlic-Rosemary Knots

We’re having lamb chops and twice-baked potatoes for dinner this evening, courtesy of #1 Son, but I contributed the rolls, Buttery Garlic Knots with Rosemary. They looked delicious, and they were.